League Time Standings

1 Soccer Ballers 100.00 4/0/0 4/0
2 Ronald and the Gang 66.67 2/1/0 2/1
3 ball don't lie 50.00 2/2/0 2/2
4 Bump, Set, Dribble 33.33 1/2/0 1/2
5 Larry Bird 0.00 0/4/0 0/4


DateTimeLocationTeamWonTotal PtsTeamWonTotal Pts
01/159:45 p.m.Main Gym 1Bump, Set, Dribble020ball don't lie128
01/159:45 p.m.Main Gym 2Soccer Ballers133Ronald and the Gang019
01/229:45 p.m.Main Gym 1Bump, Set, DribbleRonald and the Gang
01/229:45 p.m.Main Gym 2Soccer Ballers125Larry Bird012
01/299:45 p.m.Main Gym 1Ronald and the Gang132Larry Bird019
01/299:45 p.m.Main Gym 2ball don't lie023Soccer Ballers126
02/059:45 p.m.Main Gym 1Bump, Set, Dribble144Larry Bird021
02/059:45 p.m.Main Gym 2Ronald and the Gang124ball don't lie022
02/129:45 p.m.Main Gym 1Bump, Set, Dribble023Soccer Ballers130
02/129:45 p.m.Main Gym 2Larry Bird013ball don't lie139