Matches | Home | Away |
Date | Time | Location | Team | Won | Total Pts | Team | Won | Total Pts |
01/16 | 7:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Never Gib Up | | Katie and her goons | |
01/16 | 8:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Ready Set Spike | | Empire Spikes Back | |
01/23 | 7:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Never Gib Up | | Thunder Monkeys | |
01/23 | 8:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Katie and her goons | | Ready Set Spike | |
01/30 | 7:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Thunder Monkeys | | Ready Set Spike | |
01/30 | 8:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Empire Spikes Back | | Katie and her goons | |
02/06 | 7:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Never Gib Up | | Ready Set Spike | |
02/06 | 8:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Thunder Monkeys | | Empire Spikes Back | |
02/13 | 7:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Never Gib Up | | Empire Spikes Back | |
02/13 | 8:45 p.m. | Field House 3 | Katie and her goons | | Thunder Monkeys | |