Jordan Zender (Captain) |
Bethany Ebben (Co-Captain) |
Ethan Lee |
Caleb Chiang |
Megan Glandon |
Lauren Mullahy |
Derek Renner |
Joshua Thifault |
Matches | Games | Points | |||
% | W/L/T | % | W/L | % | +/- |
66.67 | 2/1/0 | 57.14 | 4/3 | 45.42 | 119/143 |
Home | Away | |||||||
Date | Time | Location | Team | Won | Total Pts | Team | Won | Total Pts |
10/15 | 5 p.m. | Sand VB 2 | Brockness Monster and Friend's | 2 | 50 | Killer Zorses | 0 | 38 |
10/22 | 4:30 p.m. | Sand VB 1 | Gunslingers! | 1 | 55 | Brockness Monster and Friend's | 2 | 48 |
10/25 | 4:30 p.m. | Sand VB 1 | RESPECT | 2 | 50 | Brockness Monster and Friend's | 0 | 21 |