League Time Standings

1 1,2,3,4 Peat 100.00 5/0/0 5/0
2 Team Patches 80.00 4/1/0 4/1
3 Wild Dogeball 60.00 3/2/0 3/2
4 Patches 40.00 2/3/0 1/3
5 Scared To Death 20.00 1/4/0 1/3
6 Kingston Knights 0.00 0/5/0 0/5


DateTimeLocationTeamWonTotal PtsTeamWonTotal Pts
03/157:15 p.m.East CourtScared To Death001,2,3,4 Peat14
03/157:50 p.m.East CourtPatches14Kingston Knights02
03/158:25 p.m.East CourtWild Dogeball02Team Patches14
03/227:15 p.m.East CourtScared To Death14Kingston Knights03
03/227:50 p.m.East Court1,2,3,4 Peat14Team Patches03
03/228:25 p.m.East CourtPatches01Wild Dogeball14
03/297:15 p.m.East CourtScared To Death03Team Patches14
03/297:50 p.m.East CourtKingston Knights03Wild Dogeball14
03/298:25 p.m.East Court1,2,3,4 Peat14Patches01
04/057:15 p.m.East CourtScared To Death01Wild Dogeball14
04/057:50 p.m.East CourtTeam Patches14Patches01
04/058:25 p.m.East CourtKingston Knights001,2,3,4 Peat14
04/139:35 p.m.East CourtTeam Patches14Kingston Knights01
04/149 p.m.East CourtScared To Death0FLPatches0FW
04/149:35 p.m.East CourtWild Dogeball011,2,3,4 Peat14