League Time Standings

1 Balls of Jericho 100.00 4/0/0 4/0
2 Big Dogs Eat 75.00 3/1/0 3/1
3 Daj Mabal 75.00 3/1/0 3/1
4 Soy Milk 60.00 3/2/0 3/2
5 Troop 417 25.00 1/3/0 1/3
6 501st Legion 20.00 1/4/0 0/4
7 The Ball Boys 0.00 0/4/0 0/3


DateTimeLocationTeamWonTotal PtsTeamWonTotal Pts
03/108:45 p.m.Field House 3Balls of Jericho14Soy Milk00
03/109:45 p.m.Field House 3Big Dogs Eat14501st Legion00
03/109:45 p.m.Field House 4Daj Mabal14The Ball Boys01
03/178:45 p.m.Field House 3Balls of Jericho14Troop 41700
03/179:45 p.m.Field House 3Big Dogs Eat14The Ball Boys01
03/179:45 p.m.Field House 4501st Legion01Soy Milk14
03/248:45 p.m.Field House 3Daj Mabal02Balls of Jericho14
03/249:45 p.m.Field House 3Big Dogs Eat03Soy Milk14
03/249:45 p.m.Field House 4501st Legion01Troop 41714
03/318:45 p.m.Field House 3501st Legion02Daj Mabal14
03/319:45 p.m.Field House 3Soy Milk14Troop 41702
03/319:45 p.m.Field House 4The Ball Boys00Balls of Jericho14
04/078:45 p.m.Field House 3The Ball Boys0FL501st Legion0FW
04/079:45 p.m.Field House 3Big Dogs Eat14Troop 41701
04/079:45 p.m.Field House 4Soy Milk03Daj Mabal14